miercuri, 8 iulie 2009

Emma - Jane Austen

~"Whom are you going to dance with?" asked Mr. Knightley.
She hesitated a moment, and then replied, "With you, if you will ask me."
"Will you?" said he, offering his hand.

~"Cu cine ai de gand sa dansezi?" intreaba domnul Knightley.
Ea sovai un moment si apoi raspunse:
"Cu dumneata, daca ma inviti."
"Ai vrea?" zise el, oferindu-i mana.

"Brother and sister! no, indeed."

"Frate si sora, nu, in nici un caz!"

"...on entering the carriage, sunk back for a moment overcome—then reproaching herself for having taken no leave, making no acknowledgment, parting in apparent sullenness, she looked out with voice and hand eager to shew a difference; but it was just too late."

"...cand intra in trasura, se prabusi un moment, coplesita, apoi, reprosandu-si ca nu si-a luat ramas bun, ca n-a zis nimic, ca s-a despartit cu aparenta raceala, scoase capul strigand, cu mana intinsa, ca sa arate ca nu e suparat, dar era prea tarziu."

~"She continued to look back, but in vain; and soon, with what appeared unusual speed, they were half way down the hill, and every thing left far behind."

~"Continua sa se uite inapoi, dar in zadar, si curand, cu o viteza neobisnuita, erau deja la jumatatea drumului."

~"Never had she felt so agitated, mortified, grieved, at any circumstance in her life. She was most forcibly struck. The truth of his representation there was no denying. She felt it at her heart."

~"Niciodata in viata ei nu se simtise atat de tulburata, de umilita, de intristata. Era adanc lovita. Nu se putea nega adevarul spuselor lui. O simtea din toata inima."

~"They walked together. He was silent. She thought he was often looking at her, and trying for a fuller view of her face than it suited her to give."

~"Se plimbasera impreuna. El tacea. Ei i se parea ca o priveste des si incearca sa-i vada fata mai mult decat ar fi vrut ea."

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